There are many who renounce to undertake and have their own project because of the lack of capital. However, there are some businesses that you can start with little money. The profitability resulting from a small investment is possible; we leave you some ideas from TheForbiz.Com.
Good pretty and cheap? Do not trust Easy business that nobody knows? Well three quarters of the same. The great ideas to make money without effort in the blink of an eye are a chimera the vast majority of the time. With a few exceptions – there have been some – they are simply a scam, an exaggeration or the illusion of someone enlightened. Many people think the same of business as a result of a small investment. However, there are options that offer profitability after a humble disbursement.
However, we must allow a premise. Evident, yes. In the same way that each person is a world, each investor is also one. That is to say, that each one has a perspective of what is acceptable profitability, in which he feels comfortable, and a nontransferable perception of what it is to start with little money.
How much is that amount, 30,000 Euros, 20,000, 10,000 or less? Although it depends on the expectations of each one, a minimum amount of capital is needed to start a business.
But can you start a business without money? The answer is yes, but it will be, in principle, modest initiatives and starting from a piece of previous knowledge, skill or availability. For example, teach language classes, walk dogs or fix technological devices. Although there are those who consider these activities as lucrative, but not exactly how to invest in a business, but rather, how to develop a capacity.
So, starting from a minimum outlay, what are your chances? Well, the great advantage is to take advantage of the Internet’s potential, if the activity you have in mind allows it. The advantages are well known: cost savings, ability to reach customers while at the computer, avoid paying for a physical office, etc. Although, yes, working from home on the Internet has its drawbacks and its positive aspects.
Table of Contents
1. Initiatives related to the Internet

What businesses can fit in that direction that can be amplified by the Network? Well, from the simplest ones – like setting up a blog, selling online courses or creating a channel on YouTube – to affiliate yourself with third-party products or develop mobile applications. In these cases, you will practically not need to make any disbursement, but rather an investment of time.
2. Small vending machines

On the other hand, the variety of devices installed in various public places, which provide soft drinks, snacks or sandwiches, among other products, are not generally a cheap business, but can be more affordable if you opt for the lower range, by small machines of vending.
The cost of entering this sector is very variable: it depends, above all, on whether the machines are owned or leased, the location of the same and the product in question. In any case, the key to the profitability of vending is in the volume. According to experts, 4,000 Euros can be a reasonable amount to start with.
3. The ‘low cost’ franchises

The franchised brands agglutinate a huge business, particularly fruitful in Spain. Not in vain, the sector closed 2017 with a turnover of 27,600 million Euros and with about 1,350 stores. The positive aspect for a modest investor is that there is something for everyone – discover here the types of franchise that most sell – and pockets.
In fact, there are a good handful of franchises in which you can invest for less than 10,000 Euros. Moreover, the minimum investment of the Alkila2 real estate is only 99 Euros; that of Theforbiz, of 249 Euros and the disbursement of the Real Estate Association reaches 1,200 Euros, to cite three of the most affordable examples.
4. A food truck

People are always in a hurry in the city. As a result, every time you spend less time eating, especially from Monday to Friday. So much so, that the image of someone eating almost anywhere is the most usual: in the subway, in a park, anywhere on the street.
In this context, food trucks are multiplying, both in initiatives of prestigious chefs – is a kind of extension of the traditional restaurant – and fast food of the most varied.
You need a van with an adapted kitchen, choose the type of food hire at least one person, and the corresponding permits. This last section includes the documentation that allows you to locate yourself in an appropriate place, an issue that, as is logical, is crucial for the business to work. The initial investment can be around 25,000 Euros.
5. Make your own idea come true

If you have little money and you have always wanted to set up a nightclub or a great restaurant, in principle, you will have it complicated because you will not get financing. However, there are certain sectors and projects that do not require a large investment, especially those that do not need a physical structure and support the online environment.
You can also decide to dedicate yourself to the same thing that you have been in a company as a salaried employee. To give an example, as a consultant. The advantage of this option is that you already have knowledge and experience, and you already have clients that trust you. So, if you’re in one of these situations, maybe it’s time to realize that business idea that has been holding your head for years and invest your own capital in it.

Alex is fascinated with “understanding” people. It’s actually what drives everything he does. He believes in a thoughtful exploration of how you shape your thoughts, experience of the world.