HHC is a new cannabinoid that’s quickly gaining popularity because it produces similar effects to delta 8 THC but is said to be undetectable on drug tests. But does this claim hold up to scrutiny?
The main selling point of HHC is that it doesn’t metabolize into the 11-hydroxy THC metabolite that can trigger a positive result on a THC drug test.
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Understanding Cannabis Drug Tests
HHC (hexahydrocannabinol) is a cannabinoid found in hemp and marijuana plants. It’s created by replacing one of the carbon atoms in THC with hydrogen atoms. Hexahydrocannabinol has similar effects to THC but is more potent and lasts longer in the body. It can also cause psychoactive side effects like dizziness, euphoria, and anxiety.
While there are many claims online that HHC does not show up on drug tests, this is based entirely on anecdotal evidence. It is likely that HHC will linger in your system just as long as THC does, as it breaks down into the same 11-hydroxy-THC metabolite.
Furthermore, some HHC products contain trace amounts of THC or other THC derivatives, which can lead to a positive test result. As a result, it is recommended that you proceed with caution when trying new cannabinoid products and only purchase from trusted companies. It is also important to understand that most hemp-based HHC products have not been tested for safety or efficacy, so it is impossible to know what you are getting.
Does HHC Show Up on a Drug Test?
As HHC becomes more popular, some people are wondering if it will show up on a drug test. Since it is similar to THC in chemical structure and effects, it is likely that it will show up on a standard THC drug test. HHC hasn’t been fully studied yet, but it is safe to assume that it will metabolize into the same THC metabolites that Delta 9 THC leaves behind. Depending on how frequent you use it, these metabolites could stay in your system for several weeks to months.
However, the amount of time they remain in your body depends on your natural concentration of the enzyme CYP3A4, which processes THC-like molecules. The faster you can get rid of them, the better chance you have of passing a drug test. The best way to speed up the process is to eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, drink lots of water, exercise, and sleep well. This will help your liver and kidneys work efficiently. However, even if you follow this advice, there is always the risk that you will fail a drug test because some employer-sponsored tests can detect THC metabolites in your urine and blood.
How Does HHC Metabolize in the Body?
HHC is a hallucinogenic cannabinoid that has effects similar to THC delta eight and THC delta nine. It metabolizes into THC and other cannabinoid isomers in the body and is detectable on drug tests that analyze saliva, blood, or urine.
HCH has a very similar chemical structure to THC, and most drug tests are designed to detect metabolites of THC, including Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC-COOH). As such, HHC is likely to trigger positive results in most tests.
However, it is unclear how long these metabolites will remain in the body. This depends on how often you consume HHC, the dosage, and your metabolic rate. Larger servings will probably mean the metabolites linger for longer than smaller doses.
It’s also important to note that there are no reliable ways to flush these metabolites from the body. Many users try to speed up the process by drinking lots of water, but there is no evidence that this method works. It’s best to err on the side of caution, especially if your job or reputation is on the line.
Can You Pass a Drug Test With HHC?

There’s still a lot of uncertainty surrounding the use of HHC because it’s such a new cannabinoid. But we do know that it can cause a false positive on a drug test because it metabolizes like THC and produces similar metabolites in the body. Because of this, it’s important to understand the risk involved with HHC before using it.
There are many factors that determine how long the metabolites of HHC stay in your system, including your age and how fast your metabolism works. As a result, it’s possible for heavy HHC users to have traces of it in their system for months after they stop using it.
The delivery method you choose for HHC also plays a role in how long it stays in your system. Inhaling HHC from a cartridge allows it to be absorbed into your lungs and bloodstream quickly, which minimizes the timeframe for your body to start eliminating it. But ingesting it orally requires it to pass through your digestive system first, which takes longer.
Do HHC Drug Tests Exist?
Since HHC is almost identical to THC in chemical structure and effects, it’s likely to produce the same metabolites as delta 8 and delta 9 THC when metabolized. This means it’s possible that HHC could lead to a drug test failure, just as THC can. Because of this, it’s important to be careful and plan ahead if you’re going to use HHC and have an upcoming drug test. People with fast metabolisms process substances like HHC more quickly, leading to lower concentrations in the body sooner after use. However, this also means that it’s harder to flush toxins out of the system and that it may be more difficult to take medications that require liver enzymes such as CYP3A4.
Since HHC is a fairly new cannabinoid, there is still not much research on how it affects users or what its long-term effects might be. More research is needed, especially on the processes used to make HHC products and whether or not traces of any heavy metals linger in the product.
How long does HHC last?
The answer to this question depends on many different factors. For example, if you’re a heavy user, HHC can stay in your system for weeks or even months. It also depends on how frequently you consume HHC and what form you use (edibles, vaping, etc.).
HHC’s primary metabolite is THC-COOH, which is also known as 11-hydroxy-THC. This metabolite is able to be detected by drug tests.
Another factor is your age. As you get older, your metabolism slows down and it’s harder for your body to break down drugs or chemicals. For this reason, it can take a while for your body to get rid of HHC and its metabolites.
Finally, your meds can also affect how long it takes for you to clear your system. If you’re taking any meds that rely on the same metabolic pathways as HHC, it can create a metabolic competition that prolongs how long it takes for your body to process both meds and HHC. That’s why it’s important to consult with a doctor before using any new meds while on HHC or any other cannabinoid.
Does HHC make your eyes red?
HHC, also known as Hexahydrocannabinol, is a cannabinoid found in cannabis. It is sold in many different forms, including vape cartridges and gummies, and it has a psychoactive effect that some people find enjoyable. Some people also use it to help with pain, anxiety, depression, and other conditions.
Most drug tests are designed to check for THC metabolites, and because HHC has a similar chemical structure to THC and produces the same metabolites, it is possible that it could trigger a positive result. This is especially true if you consume it regularly.
It’s important to note that some HHC products may contain trace amounts of delta 9 THC. This can be because comprehensive manufacturers add it in order to make the product more potent, or it could simply be a result of manufacturing errors. If you plan on using HHC, it’s best to stick with reputable brands that have their products tested by an independent lab for the most accurate results. If you’re concerned about failing a drug test, it’s a good idea to avoid using it until after you’ve taken a detox kit to flush the metabolites out of your system.
Is it safe to vape with HHC?
There are a lot of claims floating around online that HHC is immune to drug testing and is somehow “safe.” However, this information is false. It’s important to understand how HHC can affect drug tests before deciding whether or not it’s safe to vape it.
HHC is a synthetic cannabinoid that’s made from other, more common cannabinoids, like delta 8 and delta 9. It has a similar chemical structure to THC and produces similar effects. As a result, it can show up on a drug test as THC metabolites. Drug tests look for these metabolites in blood, urine, and saliva samples.
Unfortunately, most drug tests aren’t designed to distinguish between THC and its natural, plant-based cousins. This means that it’s likely HHC will cause a positive result on most drug tests. Some people try to beat drug tests by using detox kits that remove THC from the body. However, many experts believe these kits can actually harm the user by causing dehydration and disrupting the body’s natural electrolyte balance. They also aren’t foolproof.

Alex is fascinated with “understanding” people. It’s actually what drives everything he does. He believes in a thoughtful exploration of how you shape your thoughts, experience of the world.