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Effective Ways to Impress a Home Appraiser: From Curb Appeal to Bathroom Remodeling

Home Appraiser

When it comes to selling your home or refinancing your mortgage, the home appraisal is a critical step. As of August 2023, the average listed home price in Wichita, KS, stood at $267.5K, showing a year-over-year increase of 3.5%. The cost per square foot for listed homes averaged $129. Meanwhile, the typical selling price for homes in the area was $225.3K.

A positive appraisal can significantly impact the sale price or loan amount you can secure. So, how do you make a lasting impression on a home appraiser? Here are ten effective ways to ensure your home is appraised at its highest potential value, each elaborated to provide you with a comprehensive guide.

1. Boost Curb Appeal: First Impressions Matter

The first thing an appraiser sees is the exterior of your home, and first impressions do count. Make sure your lawn is well-maintained, the garden is tidy, and the paint isn’t chipping. Consider adding some potted plants or a new mailbox to make the exterior more inviting. These small changes can make a big difference in how the appraiser views the rest of your home. Investing in your home’s curb appeal is like dressing up for a job interview; it sets the stage for a successful appraisal.

2. Bathroom Remodeling: A Surefire Way to Add Value

Bathrooms are a big deal in home appraisals. A modern, functional bathroom can significantly increase your home’s value. Consider updating fixtures or tiles and even adding energy-efficient features. Investing in a bathroom remodel can pay off in a higher appraisal value. It’s like acing the most challenging subject in school; doing well here can significantly boost your overall grade.

The cost for a bathroom remodeling project in Kansas City typically falls between $6,000 and $15,000. Bathroom remodels in Wichita can vary widely in cost, scope, and duration, depending on various factors such as the size of the bathroom, the quality of materials used, and the complexity of the project. Whether you’re looking to make minor updates or planning a complete overhaul, it’s essential to budget and plan carefully to ensure a successful remodel.

3. Make Necessary Repairs: No Detail is Too Small

Ensure that everything in your home, from mending dripping taps to filling in wall gaps, is in tip-top shape. Small issues can accumulate and influence the appraiser’s ultimate assessment of your property’s worth. A well-maintained home stands a better chance of earning a higher appraisal value. Think of it as submitting a perfect report; a home free of problems and defects is likely to garner a more positive appraisal.

4. Update Key Areas: Focus on Kitchens and Bathrooms

Kitchens and bathrooms are often the most scrutinized areas during an appraisal. Updating appliances, countertops, and fixtures can significantly boost your home’s value. Even small upgrades like new cabinet handles or a modern faucet can make a difference. Think of these areas as the “heart” and “soul” of your home; they’re where most daily activities occur, so their condition can significantly impact the appraisal.

5. Keep it Clean: A Spotless Home is a Valuable Home

A clean home not only looks good but also suggests that you take good care of the property. Make sure to clean every nook and cranny, from the floors and walls to the windows and fixtures. A sparkling clean home can positively influence an appraiser’s perception and potentially increase your home’s value. Think of it as putting your best foot forward; a clean home speaks volumes about your attention to detail and the care you’ve put into maintaining your property.

6. Highlight Unique Features: Show Off What Makes Your Home Special

If your home has unique features like a fireplace, hardwood floors, or a newly renovated attic, make sure to highlight them. Unique features can add character and value to your home, making it stand out in the appraisal. It’s akin to having special skills or qualifications on your resume; they can tip the scales in your favor.

7. Provide Documentation: Prove Your Home’s Worth

Documentation can be your best friend during an appraisal. Provide records of any improvements, repairs, or maintenance you’ve done on the home. Receipts, before-and-after photos, and even warranties can serve as proof that you’ve invested in the property, justifying a higher appraisal value. Think of this as providing references during a job application; they can substantiate your claims and add credibility.

8. Stage Your Home: Presentation is Key

Staging isn’t just for showings; it can also impact your appraisal. Arrange furniture to maximize space, add fresh flowers to brighten rooms, and use neutral colors to appeal to a broader audience. A well-staged home can look more appealing and functional, influencing the appraiser’s final assessment. It’s like preparing a well-organized presentation; good staging can effectively communicate your home’s value.

9. Be Present: Guide the Home Appraiser

While it’s not mandatory, being present during the appraisal can be beneficial. You can guide the appraiser through your home, pointing out any improvements or features that may not be immediately obvious. Your insights can provide valuable context and could positively influence the appraisal. It’s similar to being present during a job review; your input can offer additional perspectives that might otherwise be overlooked.

10. Know Your Neighborhood: Arm Yourself with Market Knowledge

Understanding the local real estate market can give you an edge. If homes in your neighborhood have been selling at high prices, let the appraiser know. Comparable sales data can support your case for a higher appraisal value. It’s like doing your homework before a big test; the more prepared you are, the better you’ll perform.


Impressing a home appraiser involves a combination of aesthetic appeal, functionality, and solid documentation. From boosting your curb appeal to investing in a bathroom remodel, every detail counts. Take the time to prepare your home, and you’ll be well on your way to securing a favorable appraisal. Your efforts can make the difference between an average valuation and one that truly reflects the worth of your home.

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