Imagine, how could it be if a trendy and stylish lifestyle can be accomplished whilst enjoying the beauty and calmness of rural areas? Modern accommodation that comes amidst greenery, mountains, fresh air, and quietness without losing out on the amenities required for an easier life.
One can enjoy a comfortable, contemporary, well-equipped, chic farmhouse with the help of modern rural house designs. It would be a great gate away to have a second home in any rural area with a nice farm surrounding.
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The growing popularity of modern rural house designs
Many individuals nowadays prefer to have such a home, especially the family with kids. Children can enjoy playing outside without any disturbance and the parents would not have to worry mainly about two things, first that the kids are playing safely and second is that due to a lot of playing area they would stick less with electronic gadgets. Rural areas also see lesser traffic making them safer for kids and pets to be their carefree self.
Things to consider when opting for modern rural house designs

With the help of modern rural house designs, one can build a home according to their convenience. A variety of designs are offered by the architects or one can even design their own home depending on the members of the family and according to their choices.
In this article, there are some trendy modern rural house designs that can make the stay of all the members in the family comfortable and enjoyable. Also, some tips are mentioned so that the house is economical to build, easy to clean and maintain, plus low utility bills make these homes a terrific value.
There are some factors which are needed to be considered before getting a plan for modern rural house designs, mainly,
The type of rural areas is it too rainy, near the ocean or icy
If you are going to see loads of snowfall, then the design of the roof should be slanting to prevent the accumulation of rainwater or ice. If you are planning on warm and ocean breeze homes then you should opt for flat roof with the option of building a terrace. The walls, flooring, color combination will always depend on which rural area you would prefer.
Members of the family
As the number of rooms depends on how many persons are going to stay in the house, depending on the age of the kids they would require a playroom, a study room, game room, for elderly members bedroom on the ground floor would be ideal and so on.
Number of cars in the family
This will help you to properly evaluate and allocate that the parking space. Many of the families opting for staying in rural areas generally bear two cars, for convenience.
The requirement of the garden, a porch, open patio, or a back yard
Modern rural house designs can offer the best place to chill in the evenings or a great place to entertain the guests. If at all a pool is availed there is nothing like an open patio for relaxation.
The number of bathrooms required
Generally, a bathroom is shared by two people, and bedrooms have an attached bathroom. So it depends on the choice of the owner if an extra bathroom is required for guests.
The kitchen layout
This is what lady of the house used to decide, however, nowadays experimenting in the kitchen is a well-known hobby. So it depends on the choice of the whole family. You can opt for an open plan or have a café style layout of you plan to entertain people a lot.
Laundry room and a storage area
A storage area is a must. Many houses have different storage areas for different purposes. Like, the kitchen storage area is different some prefer storage and laundry area in the basement. Some people prefer storage area in their garage or attic.
All in all, staying in rural areas has a lot of benefits other than spacious rooms, and the calmness. Coming home from the day’s work to modern rural house designs homes can allow the family members to live in comfortably away from the chaotic suburbs.