The top wild english movies are touching, sincere and entertaining dramas, comedies, romances and thrillers about animal, nature, wilderness, escapades, wildlife and jungle adventures. They have serious, realistic, captivating and entertaining plots including family relationships, mother son relationship, ex husband ex wife relationship and father daughter relationship with animals, birds and humans.
The films in this list feature ordinary people shedding the drudgery of their mundane existences and embracing the wild, however unprepared they may be for its challenges. Tom Hanks’ Everyman persona is ideal for this hypochondriac who runs away from his fluorescent hell of a medical-supply factory to an exotic island where the natives drink orange soda and take him as their leader in John Patrick Shanley’s underrated comedy. Nicolas Roeg’s rapturously beautiful Walkabout depicts an Aboriginal rite of passage that turns into a perilous survival story full of adventure, self-discovery and, in the end, sorrow over innocence lost.
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List of Top 5 Hollywood Wild English Movies
1. ‘The Tree of Life’ 2011
Director Terrence Malick has a big vision, and it takes courage or madness to commit such a colossal work of epic cinema. For some, it will be a gorgeous exploration of microcosmos (families burdened by grief, the birth of morality) and macrocosmos (the endless history of the Universe, unanswered philosophical questions about life). The cinematography by Emmanuel Lubezki is heavenly.
For others, it will be tedious and frustrating. The movie never settles on what it wants to be about, and its many strands often don’t cohere into a clear narrative. But it does capture the spirit of what it feels like to be alive, and it’s full of gentle exhortations to love. As Mrs. O’Brien says, “love is the answer to everything.” It may not explain the Universe or our place in it, but it’s a way through. And that’s a lot more than most movies can offer.
2. ‘Daughters of the Dust’ 1991
For a movie made outside Hollywood on such a scant budget, it’s a minor miracle that Daughters of the Dust, Julie Dash’s rhapsodic debut feature, ever reached a theatrical audience at all. It’s also a tragedy that the film, which won the 1991 Sundance Festival’s Best Cinematography award and was selected for preservation in the National Film Registry in 2004, didn’t nudge its way into the wider cultural conversation more forcefully.
The film’s languidly-paced tableaux of the Sea Islands’ tropical beauty and the Peazants’ struggle with the looming prospect of immigration are enlivened by a blues aesthetic of repetition and added meaning, and by the way Dash reveals how history is made through such mundane occurrences as the rapture of repeated chants and green wheels of okra sliced into a pot. Throughout the movie, Dash’s patience and research conjure this world and the tension between heritage and hope it implies.

3. ‘Into The Wild’ 2007
Into the Wild tells the true story of Christopher McCandless, an Emory University graduate who horrified his parents by sending $24,000 to Oxfam, abandoning his car and all of his possessions, and hitchhiked to Alaska. The film illuminates McCandless’s pilgrimage to find a life of radical re-engagement with nature and free of the rat race. Jon Krakauer’s lucid prose blazes through this affecting movie.
Emile Hirsch delivers a strong, spirited performance as McCandless. Among the supporting cast, Vince Vaughn does well as Wayne Westerberg, a South Dakota grain farmer who picks McCandless up and intermittenly employs him in his business.
Into the Wild touches on several themes including humankind’s longing for simpler times, living a life connected to the earth, mental health and the cost of foolishly embarking on a trek unprepared. This stirring drama will appeal to anyone who has ever had a dream dashed by real-life obstacles or anguish.
4. ‘Wild’ 2014
A sequel of sorts to Into the Wild, Canadian filmmaker Jean Marc Vallee (who empowered Matthew McConaughey to Oscar caliber status in Dallas Buyers Club) helms Reese Witherspoon in this true story about the woman who decided to hike more than 1,000 miles on the Pacific Crest Trail after her life fell apart. Despite the cliches and the inherited arc of finding some sort of peace in nature, Wild still lands hard thanks to a committed performance from Witherspoon.
She manages to convey desperation, humor and plenty of sadness with a single look. She emotes without having to scream it, which is a rarity in this genre of film.
The movie veers into thriller territory at times when Witherspoon encounters the burley American man Frank, but it also works as a buddy road trip with the help of a bearded fellow hiker (Kevin Rankin). Wild is a welcome change from the cliched Hollywood holiday movie genre and it has plenty to teach its audience about mother-daughter relationships.
5. ‘The Sound of Music’ 1965
A tuneful, heartwarming film based on the true story of the Von Trapp family singers. Julie Andrews stars as Maria, a tomboyish postulant who takes over the care of a brood of children and breathes new life into the household.
The term wild doesn’t necessarily mean a place in nature, but can also refer to an inner world of emotions and feelings. Whether it be the wild of Hollywood or the wild of an actual wilderness, these top movies with the word Wild in the title are sure to please.

Alex is fascinated with “understanding” people. It’s actually what drives everything he does. He believes in a thoughtful exploration of how you shape your thoughts, experience of the world.